
Hopefully, if you’re visiting this page, you’ve made the decision to join us! We can’t wait to have you get involved in all of the fun stuff our club has to offer.

The subscription fees are subject to change following approval at a General Meeting. They are as follows:
Senior Subs: £20
Junior Subs: £10
Second Club £10; Student L £10; Student A £60 annual; Cox £5 plus £5 per row; Social (no
voting rights) £5:
Life: one- off £2400; Racking £5; 100 Club £3
In addition for family membership: Deduct 10% for 2 members, 20% for 3 members, 30% for 4 members (maximum discount).

We don’t want to overwhelm you with documents, so when you’re ready, it’s worth having a look at all of our resources on the website. If you need any further information, please feel free to get in contact with our committee.